Monday 20 October 2014


Suspense is defined as"A state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what is going to happen".
Suspense can be created in films through a number of different methods.

Extreme Close Ups

Close ups of only a characters feet when they are running or a character's face are used to build suspense. An extreme close up prevents the audience from seeing what a character is running from or what they look so afraid of.

Dramatic contrasts between light and dark (e.g. silhouettes), bright disorienting lights, and dark shadows are all examples of how lighting is used to create suspense in film.

A technique used classically by Hitchcock, music is used to create suspense in horror films. Low, booming sounds work but high pitched, shrill noises are more effective.

Cross Cutting:
Cross cutting can be used to create suspense as it provides the audience with knowledge about what could happen to a specific character but the character is shown as not knowing so there is no information as to whether he will be alright or how he will react.

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