Monday 20 October 2014

Shot Types

Time Cop [Peter Hyams, 1994]

Match On Match Action
An editing technique used for continuity. One shot will cut to another shot showing the action of the subject in the first shot.

180 Degree Rule
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [Peter Jackson, 2003]
If a cameraman is abiding by the 180 degree rule the characters will have the same left right relationship with one another. Filming will only take place within a 180 degree angle, such as during a conversation.

Shot/Reverse Shot
Shot/Reverse Shot is another type of editing used for continuity. 
During it, the camera will focus on a character and then switch to an object or other character that the first character is looking at, and then back to the first character.
The Wind Rises (風立ちぬ) [Hayao Miyazaki, 2013]

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maisie, great stuff so far showing a competent grasp of technologies. Do keep up to date with your posts and see Show My Homework for a full list of what should be on your blog.
